DEISM IS NOT WITH OUT DOGMA -Deists in Sheeps' Clothing
(too old to reply)
"X-file" <andrew_zito@yahoo.co.uk>
2005-05-25 14:29:07 UTC

Man people attempt to usurp deism with out fidelity to the meaning of the words of concept that encompass collectively the body of work that is Deism. Many Deists are bigots of different varieties most are along the line of those who come out of Christianity by means of conflicts abused and wounded. Emotionally many Deists are of a similar cloth wounded creatures, some are intelectually crude and vulgar, or sociopathic and cruel. Those of the coin of fundamentalism are most often known as "religious" as for their mindless dogma of sectarian "religious fundamentalism" normally associated with the conservative likes of Pat Robertson (amongst others), and most often by the Christian label in the West, just as an Islamic fundamentalism in the east.

But there are people who we can safely refer to as mindless "secular fundamentalists". or a "secular fundamentalism" as there also is much that is not explain by them and which they in argument expect us to agree to blindly under their many good sounding labels of "science", "rational", "reason" "empirical", et cetera. When the day is over many Secular Humanists, Atheists, Deists, Skeptics can not rightfully explain matters to the satisfaction of their own standards that they demand of others as such they are like their religious kin hypocrites and dogmatic for the same standards that apply to religious beliefs should apply to science and the social sciences also.

If anyone claims to be a Deist has no right do otherwise. I myself can best be defined as a Deist Pantheist (a Scientific Deist Pantheist) I do not like mincing words and have many enemies the worst of which are those brainless fool who claiming to be Deists are actually not but instead are humanists or atheists or skeptics or something else who feel threatened by the strong nature of my arguments and the weak nature of their own arguments.

Often there are many who in reference to Deism often have erred, even as they labored towards completing very professional academic surveys such as prestigious institution of The City University of New York Graduate that lumped together anyone they interviewed who claimed belief in a deity.

That is quite wrong mere belief in a deity does not make one a deist in any modern sense as a Deist is obligated to reject the supernatural, mysterious, or esoteric beliefs that forms the primitive basis of traditional religion. Lunatics easily can reason and be logical though in conclusively not always as they most often accept romantic notions of reality that emphasizes mind over matter in what is referred to in Philosophical schools as Idealism, Metaphysics, and Empiricism.

Just as the development of French Deists body of thought in the 18th Century lead to their creation of Materialist schools of thought (Diderot, Hegel, Marx) also too we one were to choose to reexamine and accept Deist concepts and conclusions those must eventually lead to some form of Scientific Pantheism that one can also refer to as Deism as they both accept the concept of "god", the laws of nature, and material existence, not merely based on faith or opinion as religious fundamentalists and existentialistic agnostics who have us conclude.

As Deists we accept ever component of that which has existed before us except we do not call ourselves anything more than Deists. Though there are people who call themselves Deists who are racists, Anti-Semites, Anti-Catholics, anti-Protestant, anti-homosexual, sexist, and generally discriminatory. There are racist Deists and Black Deists (I've met them), there are anti-Jewish Deists Anti-Semitic Deists and there are Jewish Deists and Jewish Pantheists. As we have analyzed matters and draw our conclusions we firmly believe in Universal Suffrage, tolerance, compassion, and accept people generally as they are and as generally mainstream religions do, we also resolutely reject the converse and have no consensus in pacificism at present though we do feel in defense violence does serve a valid need. Just as there are many who though they call themselves Deists are not taking positions as we do (for aforementioned reasons) nor as strong a stand as we do if they do we are most strongly interested in social justice as often is paralleled else where (e.g. the Catholic church) though they are seen often in grave error and as diverging away from the constructive contributions represented by the tradition of Saint Thomas Aquinas since the RC church seems in a quandary over issues regarding out dated beliefs.

Without more we find many who call themselves Deists often suspicious and suspect and are very weary as all should be when one mets with out often with any set standard to judge matters, and we advise the public to be on their guard regarding deists online as we most of them frauds in the same line as the erroneous study previously cited coming out of CUNY. There is much bogus shoddy work regarding Deism as of late and not with us as the worst culprits.

Deists don't care if you are Christian, Moslem, Jewish, Hindu, Taoist, Buddhist as we don't address the labels of the bottles of the wine but the contents, character, and nature as well as that of the winemaker who we say is only a winemaker because he/she/it makes wine.

If the are any error to be found it is because of the limited sleepy nature of the author not because of some supernatural entity or malformed afflication though the cheap critics will not see it as such as they badger away claiming nothing in faith of a god of the supernatural to be true, but immediately demanding like fascists we call up supernatural powers to save ourselves from what they contrieve and vex saints with, manifest from the religious in forms from the supernatural to be exorcised to whichs concludea in the recesses of cold logic and argument based on soley on faith.

Hon. Rev. Andrew George Stergiou

P.O.Box 1615
Altoona, Pa 16603

http://zito.biz http://templeofreason.org https://www.zito.biz/ssl http://uk.geocities.com/andrew_zito
universally copyrighted 2005 Temple of Reason
David V.
2005-05-25 16:16:24 UTC
Post by "X-file" <***@yahoo.co.uk>
Then it's a waste of time. Deism is just for those that don't
have the guts to let go of the sky daddy concept.

....If you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an
ounce of skeptical sense in you, then you cannot distinguish
the useful ideas from the worthless ones - Carl Sagan, 1987.
"X-file" <andrew_zito@yahoo.co.uk>
2005-05-28 16:31:40 UTC
Your brand of secularism is fundamentalism for comedy and hypocrites
Post by David V.
Post by "X-file" <***@yahoo.co.uk>
Then it's a waste of time. Deism is just for those that don't
have the guts to let go of the sky daddy concept.
David V.
2005-05-28 18:47:36 UTC
Post by "X-file" <***@yahoo.co.uk>
Your brand of secularism is fundamentalism for comedy and
You have no idea what my "brand" of Secular Humanism is, so how
can you make such an absurd statement?

....If you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an
ounce of skeptical sense in you, then you cannot distinguish
the useful ideas from the worthless ones - Carl Sagan, 1987.
"TOR" <temple_of_reason@yahoo.co.uk>
2005-06-11 23:20:17 UTC
Post by David V.
Post by "X-file" <***@yahoo.co.uk>
Your brand of secularism is fundamentalism for comedy and
You have no idea what my "brand" of Secular Humanism is, so how
can you make such an absurd statement?
You are absolutely correct for you never explain it and hide it like an
assassin hides a dagger, amd you thrust only to incoherently attack others.

Which is petty senseless and vicious so as you are a mad dog I hope you die

You are so Liberal you are a bloody unrational psychotic dictator


P.O.Box 1615
Altoona, Pa 16603

http://zito.biz http://templeofreason.org https://www.zito.biz/ssl
universally copyrighted 2005 Temple of Reason
David V.
2005-06-12 06:07:58 UTC
Post by "TOR" <***@yahoo.co.uk>
Post by David V.
Post by "X-file" <***@yahoo.co.uk>
Your brand of secularism is fundamentalism for comedy and
You have no idea what my "brand" of Secular Humanism is, so
how can you make such an absurd statement?
You are absolutely correct for you never explain it and hide
it like an assassin hides a dagger, amd you thrust only to
incoherently attack others.
I have hidden nothing. On the other hand, you seem to hide behind
straw men.
Post by "TOR" <***@yahoo.co.uk>
Which is petty senseless and vicious so as you are a mad dog I
hope you die soon.
How very christian of you.
Post by "TOR" <***@yahoo.co.uk>
You are so Liberal you are a bloody unrational psychotic
Oh, did I hurt your little feelings?

....If you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an
ounce of skeptical sense in you, then you cannot distinguish
the useful ideas from the worthless ones - Carl Sagan, 1987.